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Coming up

CWGHR Campus

Employment Workshops & Presentations

I. Everyone Knows Someone: Managing Episodic Disabilities in the Workplace


Everyone knows someone living with a lifelong episodic disability – conditions such as HIV, multiple sclerosis, arthritis, diabetes, lupus, some forms of cancer and mental health illnesses. Episodic disabilities are distinguished by their unpredictability, including alternating periods and degrees of wellness, which can have a negative impact on employment participation, income security, coordination of care and social inclusion. Promoting diversity and providing accommodations enables meaningful workplace participation for people living with episodic disabilities.

Objective & Outcomes:

Two CWGHR staff members will deliver the presentation, facilitate a discussion and inform participants of additional resources available to assist them in supporting employees living with episodic disabilities.

Cost: $800, maximum audience of 40 participants (plus expenses)
Reduced rate for non-profit organizations: $600

This presentation can also be extended:
3-4 hours: $1400, maximum audience of 40 participants (plus expenses)
7-8 hours: $200 per person

II. Understanding HIV/AIDS as an Episodic Disability


Today, people with HIV/AIDS who have access to effective treatment are living longer than ever before. Since the disease is increasingly experienced as a series of lifelong episodic disabilities, it has much in common with other illnesses, such as multiple sclerosis, arthritis, diabetes, lupus, some forms of cancer and mental health conditions. Episodic disabilities are distinguished by their unpredictability, including alternating periods and degrees of wellness, which can have a negative impact on employment participation, income security, coordination of care and social inclusion. Episodic disabilities, including HIV, are increasingly prevalent in Canada and research reveals the need for knowledge generation and exchange as well as an increased capacity for services.

Objective & Outcomes:

This workshop will expand the knowledge base of participants to recognize and understand HIV/AIDS as an episodic disability, highlighting similarities, differences and implications with respect to our conventional understanding of disabilities. It will also explore the concurrent health conditions faced by many people living with HIV/AIDS and emphasize the vital role of rehabilitation in preventing and addressing such conditions.

This 1.5 hour workshop is intended for people living with HIV/AIDS, as well as those with an interest in HIV/AIDS, episodic disabilities and rehabilitation. It includes a 45-minute presentation, followed by 45-minute focus group discussion that encourages openness and maximum participant involvement in order to share information and lend support to people who face challenges related to concurrent health conditions, employment participation, income support, etc.

Martine Mangion, CWGHR’s Manager of Episodic Disability Initiatives, will facilitate the workshop, which will also include a person living with HIV/AIDS, someone living with another episodic disability and a clinician/rehabilitation expert.

Cost: $800, maximum audience of 40 participants (plus expenses)
Reduced rate for non-profit organizations: $600

This presentation can also be extended:
3-4 hours: $1400, maximum audience of 40 participants (plus expenses)
7-8 hours: $200 per person

For more information, please contact Le-Ann Dolan: or tel 416-513-0440 ext 224.

Click Here to request a workshop