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Previous Webinars

Webinar on Rehabilitation in the Context of HIV (IPL) online Course

On Wednesday May 29th, 2013 at 12:30pm EST, CWGHR held a short webinar about an exciting Interprofessional Learning (IPL) on-line course for students and clinicians.

Presented by Lynne Sinclair:
Lynne is an Interprofessional Education Consultant for CWGHR, the Innovative Program and External  Development Lead and the past Associate Director at the Centre for Interprofessional Education, University of Toronto  (U of T).  She is an Assistant Professor with the Department of Physical Therapy, Faculty of Medicine at U of T.

This course is offered by the Canadian Working Group on HIV and Rehabilitation (CWGHR) and is entitled "Rehabilitation in the context of HIV".  The  modules have been included in academic curriculum at the University of Toronto, University of British Columbia, University of Manitoba and Dalhousie University!

This interactive, engaging, user-friendly and self-directed on-line IPL course was developed to increase the capacity of pre-entry to practice and practicing professionals to respond to the increasing rehabilitation needs of people living with HIV/AIDS and other complex chronic illnesses.  

These resources are extremely patient-centred and have an interprofessional education focus that may be extremely helpful for you in your uniprofessional practice,  curriculum and especially as we all build new  interprofessional curricula.

This webinar is available in English only but slides will be available in both English and French.

Click Here to View the Webinar Recording

EDEN Website Preview Webinars for Service Providers

Wednesday January 30, 2013 at 1:00pm ET

The EDEN website ( is a website where people in Canada living with episodic disabilities, including HIV, can connect with each other to find and generate answers to tough employment questions.

In early 2012, we officially launched the easier to use, improved EDEN website to give users more of what they asked for:

  1. A revamped “Issues” section that provides an overview of the following topics: Disclosure in the Workplace, Employment Counselling, Employment Rights, Extended Drug and Health Benefits, Income Security, Returning to Work, Stigma and Discrimination, Work/Life Balance, and Workplace Accommodation
  2. More options to “Contact Us,” whether it’s to submit a general inquiry, ask a specific question, or share your employment story with others
  3. A new internal email system that can be used to contact other members.  To use this feature, select ‘Enable Internal Messaging’ from the registration page or from ‘Update My Profile’
  4. A new FAQs section to help you find fast answers to your frequently asked questions
  5. Improved functionality in our Blogs and Connect section — now you’ll be able to comment on blog postings, connect more easily with other EDEN users using our enhanced online forums, and access audio and video clips from forum users
  6. More information on who we are — biographies of our bloggers and the names of our contributors will give you a better sense of the people behind EDEN
  7. A streamlined design to allow you to navigate more quickly to the information, resources and tools you need

If you are a service provider in Canada who assists people living with episodic disabilities with employment challenges, register now to participate in a free 30-minute webinar to learn more about how EDEN can help your clients. 

The webinar was held in English on Wednesday January 30, 2013 at 1:00pm.  

HIV & Aging Webinar #3 | Living at the intersection of HIV & aging: What are the impacts on personal and social lives?

Friday, 8 February 2013, 2:30 to 3:30 pm EST

The Canadian Working Group on HIV and Rehabilitation (CWGHR) and Coalition of Quebec Community-based Organizations in the Fight against AIDS (COCQ-SIDA) invite you to attend a free webinar on Friday, 8 February 2013, 2:30 to 3:30 pm EST.  This is the third webinar in our series on HIV and Aging.  Register here for the webinar.  

Professor Isabelle Wallach, of the Department of Sexology of Université de Québec à Montréal, will deliver a 40 minute presentation on research she undertook in partnership with Clinique médicale l’Actuel.  The research examines the experiences of 38 men and women living with HIV in Montréal who were at least 50 years old.  The research focuses on the challenges and issues that confront PHAs 50+ years old in different spheres of their personal and social lives, challenges related to intimacy, interpersonal relationships, social participation and their economic situation.  The presentation will allow webinar participants to explore lived experiences and the challenges that arise at the intersection of living with HIV and growing older.

The presentation will be followed by a 15 minute question and discussion period.

The webinar will be delivered in French.  In advance of the webinar we will distribute the presentation slide deck in French and English.  Participants will be encouraged to ask questions and engage in the moderated discussion in French and English.

The number of registered participants in the webinar will be limited to 40.  In order to provide the greatest opportunity for the greatest number of people to participate, we will be offering one connection per workplace/organization, so we encourage you to set up a group viewing in your workplace/organization. 

Free Webinar on HIV and Aging Project

HIV and Aging Webinar #2 | ACT PLT
Planning for the Long-Term: ACT’s innovative psycho-educational program for people aging with HIV

The Canadian Working Group on HIV and Rehabilitation (CWGHR) and the AIDS Committee of Toronto (ACT) invite you to attend this free webinar on Wednesday, January 16, 2013, 1:00 to 2:00 pm EST.  This is the second webinar in our series on HIV and Aging.

Date:   Wednesday, January 16, 2013
Time:    1.00 pm – 2.00pm EST

Please note:

For more information about the webinar content, contact Glenn Betteridge at or (416)513-0440 ext. 242.

This webinar is available in both English and French.

This webinar is now complete. Thanks to all the participants. Webinar slides will be available soon at CWGHR's website

Free Webinar on HIV and Aging Project

The Canadian Working Group on HIV and Rehabilitation (CWGHR) is proud to invite you to attend the latest event of its webinar series.

The Canadian population living and aging with HIV is growing in both size and complexity. As a result, several new and innovative grassroot projects are being developed and implemented to address this important issue.

During this free webinar, one project will be explored with keynote speaker Michael Blair (Director of Residential Programs at FIFE House); the HIV/AIDS Complex Care Pilot Project on how to develop a continuum of enhanced community care and housing from a community collective. Among others, the project’s objectives are to increase cross-sector collaboration as well as access and quality of care and support services for people living with HIV and AIDS who are aging.

The webinar is of particular interest for people living with HIV and other related conditions, rehabilitation professionals, clinicians, as well as anyone working with:

  1. AIDS service organizations;
  2. Aging service organizations;
  3. Community care organizations;
  4. Home health care organizations;
  5. Housing organizations;
  6. Mental health providers;
  7. LGBT organizations, and;
  8. Other front-line service providers.

The webinar will be delivered in English on Thursday September 6th, 2012 from 1:00–2:30pm EST. Participants will be able to ask questions throughout the webinar and answers will be provided during the presentation. The presentation materials will be translated in French after the webinar and posted to CWGHR Campus (

Slides for this webinar are available on the HIV & Aging Page at the main CWGHR website