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CWGHR Campus

Managing Episodic Disabilities:
Accommodation Best Practices

A Self-Directed Online Course for Human Resources Professionals

Human resources practitioners and frontline managers play a pivotal role in maximizing the work potential of all employees, including those living with episodic disabilities (lifelong conditions characterized by periods of good health and interrupted by periods of illness and disability such as arthritis, diabetes, HIV/AIDS, multiple sclerosis and some forms of mental illness and cancer).

Managing Episodic Disabilities: Accommodation Best Practices is the second in a series of courses on managing episodic disabilities in the workplace. It is designed to prepare you to deal more effectively with employees with episodic disabilities, who make up an ever-increasing segment of Canada’s workforce.

This 15-hour, self-directed course contains 11 multimedia modules made up of:

While the circumstances of each employee will be unique, this course highlights best practices that can be adapted to suit almost any situation and work environment.

Managing Episodic Disabilities: Accommodation Best Practices provides you with the necessary tools to begin a dialogue within your organization about recruiting people with episodic disabilities and retaining existing employees with episodic disabilities.

At the successful completion of the course, you will understand:

Once registered, you will have access to the course material for 10 weeks. The completed course is worth 22.5 Recertification Points through the Human Resources Professionals Association of Ontario (HRPA), 15 Recertification Points through the Human Resources Management Association (HRMA) [formerly the BC Human Resources Management Association], the Human Resources Institute of Alberta (HRIA), the Human Resource Management Association of Manitoba (HRMAM) and the Human Resources Association of New Brunswick (HRANB).

Prices: $299 members*, $349 non-members

To find out more about Managing Episodic Disabilities: Accommodation Best Practices contact us at
Click here for a brochure.

* Members must have current paid memberships with CWGHR, HRPA, HRMA (formerly BCHRMA), HRMAM, HRANB and/or HRIA to qualify for discount.

*HRPA Members ONLY register through the HRPA site