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CWGHR Campus

Rehabilitation in the Context of HIV:

A Self-Directed On-line Interprofessional HIV Course to Increase the Capacity of Rehabilitation Professionals

Join an emerging community of your peers who are increasing the interprofessional capacity of all care providers, from physiotherapists, occupational therapists and speech-language pathologists to family physicians, academic researchers, and AIDS service organization professionals concerned with rehabilitation. 

Developed by the Canadian Working Group on HIV and Rehabilitation (CWGHR) and brought to you by CWGHR, the Canadian Physiotherapy Association (CPA), the Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists (CAOT), and the Canadian Association of Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists (CASLPA), this 14-hour, self-directed course will help you to bridge the world of HIV, disability and rehabilitation 

Rehabilitation in the context of HIV is a new cutting edge interprofessional learning tool for pre-practice and experienced rehabilitation professionals that will deepen your understanding of the benefits of rehabilitation for those living with HIV and other episodic disabilities. This self-directed course explains the episodic nature of many disabilities that you as a rehabilitation specialist encounter with patients/clients.

Rehabilitation in the context of HIV introduces:

Course benefits include

Once registered, you will have access to the course material for 10 weeks.

Prices: $249 members of CWGHR, CPA, CAOT, and CASLPA, $299 non-members.

To register for the online-course Rehabilitation in the Context of HIV, click here.

For institutional use of this course please contact Le-Ann Dolan at

To find out more about Rehabilitation in the context of HIV contact us at