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CWGHR Campus

CWGHR Networks

Episodic Disabilities Employment Network (EDEN)

The EDEN is a website where people in Canada living with episodic disabilities, including HIV, can connect with each other to find and generate answers to tough employment questions.

On this website there are resources available to the general public and resources available only to members. If you are a person living with an episodic disability, including HIV, you can register for free to access these additional resources.

Click Here to proceed to the EDEN website.

Episodic Disabilities Network (EDN)

CWGHR works with a variety of disability communities on issues affecting people with episodic disabilities. Income support and barriers to labour force participation are issues of particular concern.

The Episodic Disabilities Network brings together organizations working on issues affecting people with episodic disabilities to:

Read More about the Episodic Disabilities Network

Ontario Episodic Disabilities Network (OEDN)

What is the OEDN?

The purpose of the OEDN is to identify and advance issues and needs of people living with episodic disabilities from a cross-disability perspective within Ontario.

Led by the Canadian Working Group on HIV and Rehabilitation (CWGHR), the OEDN provides an innovative forum that enables the coordination of episodic disabilities initiatives in Ontario.

Rather than work in silos, the OEDN brings together a diverse range of partners to collaborate on research, advance public policy and promote broad integration in order to strengthen activities related to episodic disabilities in the province.

Why Was the OEDN Established?

The overall goal is to increase the engagement and capacity of Ontario to improve the quality of life and promote the social inclusion of Ontarians living with episodic disabilities. To minimize duplication and maximize resources, CWGHR has taken the lead in connecting a wide range of stakeholders working to advance the priorities of people living with episodic disabilities.

Building on its pioneering work at the national level – namely the National Episodic Disabilities Network (EDN) – CWGHR has transferred this successful model to address Ontario’s specific needs and identify and advance key priorities.

A key priority of the OEDN is to focus its efforts on the integration, coordination and streamlining of income support programs and policies offered by the various government jurisdictions to make it less challenging for people living with episodic disabilities to navigate the existing maze of policies and programs.

See OEDN's Information Sheet

CWGHR's Mentorship Programme

CWGHR's Mentorship Programme uses an interprofessional (IP) model of physiotherapists, occupational therapists and speech-language pathologists as co-mentors with PHAs for clinicians interested in building their knowledge and expertise in HIV care. This will promote education and support for "mentees" who are rehabilitation professionals from a range of disciplines, locations and clinical settings.

The 18 month project involves three mentorship teams. Each team consists of 6 mentors (PHA and clinicians) and 6-9 mentees (rehabilitation professionals) working in diverse settings who meet for 6 months.

Each program includes an initial in-person workshop, follow-up monthly teleconferences to allow mentees to present case studies from their own clinical practices and individual consultations as needed through phone and web-based media.